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COMBO - IV     THE REAL TREASURE BY Rustom B. Falahati - Meher Book House

Rustom B.Falahati

COMBO - IV THE REAL TREASURE BY Rustom B. Falahati ( Volumes I to VI )

Rs. 550.00

Set of 6 Volumes.   By Rustom B Falahati .
Rustom Falahati ,a professional Marine Engineer ,quit his job for the sake of an opportunity to live and work with Avatar Meher Baba's Mandali.He Lived with them for nearly 11 years from 1989 to 2000.
In these Books the author not only brings out stories conveying the Truth of Baba's words as narrated by the Mandali,but also that aspect of the Mandali which reflects Beloved Baba in action.

 Life of a Resident with Avatar Meher Baba' s Mandali

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