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Avatar Meher Baba His Life,His Message,& His Followers by Ray Kerkhove (PB) - Meher Book House

Meher mownavani publications

Avatar Meher Baba His Life,His Message,& His Followers by Ray Kerkhove (PB)

Rs. 40.00

Ray Kerkhove, who lives on Avatar’s Abode in Queensland, conceived the idea, did the research, and wrote the marvelous book Avatar Meher Baba, His Life, His MESSAGE and His Followers, such a mouthful that it is affectionately known at the Bookstore as the OZ Book (OZ being the unofficial abbreviation for Australia.)

This book stands apart from many that have come before it. It contains the events of  Meher Baba’s life from start to finish, two sections on the status of Meher Baba and the concept of Avatar, His MESSAGEkey concepts, charts from God Speaks, many quotes from Baba, and a section on Baba’s methods.

Baba’s words are used copiously throughout, so a newcomer is not left wondering what he said. The final section is the one that is a radical departure from any other introduction. Ray talks about us! The section on His followers DISCUSSES their behavior, their rites and ceremonies (“They don’t have any”), how to tell them from other people (“You can’t... except perhaps a Baba lover will have photos andbooks about Meher Baba in his home”).

He talks about the trusts and foundations, special days (e.g.Amartithi, etc.), the absence of a hierarchy, and the four main Baba centers. A few reviews from people in high places: “...It’s a very very good addition to the Baba literature...” Eruch Jessawala; “...I liked every page...” Bal Natu. I certainly can’t stop that!

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